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Board Member Movements

February 27, 2020 AACP News

Announcement of the Resignation of David List from the Board


It is with a mixture of sadness and gratitude that the Board announces David List’s departure as a Board member of the Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals effective 29 January 2020.   Since incorporation in March 2017, David has played a critical role in the development of AACP.  The Board will miss David’s dedication to ICP and his good humour and we wish him the best of luck in his new collaborative endeavours.



Announcement of appointment of Bernie Bolger to the Board


The Board of the Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals is pleased to announce the appointment of Bernie Bolger to the Board. Bernie’s appointment fills the casual vacancy on the Board following the recent resignation of AACP Board member David List.

Bernie is passionate advocate of ICP and she brings with her a wealth of experience in Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice, having conducted over 50 Collaborative matters since 2013.  Bernie’s qualifications, which include B.Sc. (Pharm.) (Hons.); Dip. FS (Financial Planning); Master Counselling and Applied Psychotherapy (MCAP); Grad Dip. Family Dispute Resolution (FDRP) and Nationally Accredited Mediator (NMAS), together with her extensive experience, led the Board to conclude that Bernie will be an invaluable asset.



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