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Author: Samantha Alexander

March 11, 2020 Uncategorised

CP(NSW) Divorce Talks Series Postponed

Regrettably,  the launch of Collaborative Professionals NSW’s Divorce Talks initiative has been postponed due to restrictions in place as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. AACP looks forward to lending its support to the Divorce Talks series once it has been rescheduled. One of the many ways AACP offers support to members is through promotion…

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March 11, 2020 Uncategorised

Brisbane Breakfast – QACP / AACP 21.02.20

A beautiful Brisbane morning played host to AACP’s breakfast meeting with QACP on 21.02.20.  Attending the breakfast were representatives of AACP, QACP and CP(NSW).  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss organisational roles and how the national and state organisations can best support each other. Discussion topics included the effective sharing of resources and…

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March 11, 2020 Uncategorised

Board Around dates 2020

Commencing in 2020, the AACP Board proposed holding 4 in-person meetings per year.  These meeting events, nicknamed, “Board Arounds”, will be held in a different state or territory on a rotation basis. The Board is of the view the in-person meetings will enable it to conduct business more effectively and to increase its engagement with…

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March 11, 2020 Uncategorised

Board Meets in Brisbane (21.02.20)

   AACP Board members (L to R) Susan Warda (NSW), Freda Wigan (Qld), Julie Gray (Vic), Cassandra Pullos (Qld) and Sue Abrams (NSW)   Hopgood Ganim Brisbane, played host to the first of AACP “Board-Arounds” for 2020.  Following on from our encouraging connect event with ICP locals when the Board was in Adelaide for its…

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February 27, 2020 AACP News

Board Member Movements

Announcement of the Resignation of David List from the Board   It is with a mixture of sadness and gratitude that the Board announces David List’s departure as a Board member of the Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals effective 29 January 2020.   Since incorporation in March 2017, David has played a critical role in…

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November 19, 2019 Uncategorised

Advanced Collaborative Practice Training – Brisbane

See below details of some upcoming training in Brisbane offered by Collaborative Lawyer Clarissa Rayward The one day program builds on the skills learned at Introductory Training with a big focus on building your collaborative practice (aka marketing!), neuroscience and the micro skills we need to get the best out of ourselves and our teams…

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November 19, 2019 Uncategorised

The IACP wants you!

The International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) is calling for nominations for Committees and Taskforces – in particular the new Australasian Taskforce.   Be part of the international Collaborative Community and help shape Australia’s role!   Click here for: Information about Committees and Taskforces   Click her to access: the Expression of interest form  

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October 13, 2019 Uncategorised

Happy Lawyer Happy Life: Collaborative Practice Bootcamp

Completed your ICP Training?  Finding it a challenge to start your collaborative practice? AACP member, Clarissa Rayward (AKA The Happy Lawyer) has developed a new 6-week online program designed to assist trained Collaborative Professionals build their work in this important area. The course is intended to help people ‘re-boot’/ kickstart and make the business and…

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September 19, 2019 Uncategorised

Federal Government announcement of an inquiry into family law and child support systems

AACP notes with interest the Federal Governments announcement of an inquiry into family law and child support systems. Members will be aware of submissions made by AACP to the ALRC Review of the Family Law System.   Following on from the ALRC’s Final Report released in April, AACP maintains Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice is an effective alternative…

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September 16, 2019 Uncategorised

A Warm Welcome to the 2019/2020 AACP Board

Following the AGM in August, AACP is pleased to confirm the appointment of directors to the Board for 2019/2020.  The Board welcomes new board members, Jane Gun and John O’Sullivan, both of whom are experienced collaborative practitioners whose energy and expertise will be of immense value in the busy year ahead of us.  The new…

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AACP thanks our gold and silver corporate members:

AACP thanks our corporate partners: